Judgment of the Light is a summer blockbuster, starring the Brotherhood of the Fire Fist, the second air wing of the Mecha Phantom Beasts, the thrilling conclusion to the Prophecy saga, the quest of an immortal, and the long-awaited comeback of SYNCHRO MONSTERS!
Synchro Monsters are BACK!! After almost 2 years behind the scenes, Synchro Monsters make their triumphant return! Judgment of the Light comes with EIGHT new Synchro Monsters, most of which can go in ANY Deck. The set's also full of great new Tuners like these, so there's no excuse NOT to try out those awesome new Synchros!
Summoning the Masked Chameleon Tuner gets you another Synchro Material monster to go along with it - the perfect combo to do some really high-Level Synchro Summoning. Shapesister is a Tuner but also a Trap Monster, so you can Special Summon her at any time. And Cockadoodledoo's Level and Summoning conditions are flexible, so you can use him as a Level 3, 4, or 5 Tuner. And what might you Summon with these exceptional new Tuner monsters...?
Cards For All!! No booster set is complete without tons of cards that can go in tons of different Decks, and Judgment of the Light is no exception! If you're playing any kind of themed Deck, there's a really good chance that most of your monsters share a Type and Attribute. Transmodify lets you upgrade a monster into a new monster from your Deck that's the same Type and Attribute, but 1 Level higher. It's a lot like a Rank-Up-Magic, just for your regular monsters! For example, you can take any Level 3 Fire Fist monster and upgrade it into the Level 4 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear!
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare curbs massive Special Summon sprees, negating the effect of a freshly Special Summoned monster and destroying it. Xyz Encore is an unstoppable answer to even the peskiest Xyz Monsters, reverting them into their individual Xyz Materials and downgrading their Levels so the same Xyz Monster can't be Summoned with them, again!
You'll also be able to get new cards for many of the hottest Decks of 2013! In addition to Fire Fist and Mecha Phantom Beast cards, you'll find a new Fire King, a new Madolche monster, 2 new Coach monsters to help you Summon Coach King Giantrainer and CXyz Coach Lord Ultimatrainer from Number Hunters, and World of Prophecy - the final finale to the Spellbook Saga!
The complete booster set contains 106 cards - 48 common cards, 20 rare cards, 14 super rare cards, 10 ultra rare cards, 8 secret rare cards, 5 ultimate rare cards and 1 ghost rare card.
- 9 cards per booster pack
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